
The up-and-coming young leaders shaping Canada's economy, culture, and society.
Associate Lawyer - Samfiru Tumarkin LLP

Mackenzie Anne Irwin

Founder/Privacy Consultant - Ashley Goren-Gibson Privacy Consulting

Ashley Goren-Gibson

Senior Associate - Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Marin Leci

Partner - Levitt Sheikh LLP

Kathryn Marshall

Senior Legal Counsel - RenoRun

Gabrielle Paris Gagnon

Partner - Goodmans LLP

Chris Sunstrum

CEO and Co-Founder - Ownr

Shadi McIsaac

Partner - Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP

Trevor Zeyl

Partner - Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP

Emmanuel Grondin

CEO - Tracument

David Swadden

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