Media, Entertainment and Sports

The up-and-coming young leaders shaping Canada's economy, culture, and society.
Partner & Vice President - oscars abrams zimel + associates inc.

Daniel Abrams

TV Talk Show Host, "This is VANCOLOUR" - CHEK News

Mo Amir

Founder - Sequence

Campbell Baron

Athlete - Nike

Jerome Blake

Co-Founder - MIFA

Fatemah Hamidi

Associate Director, Campaign & Special Projects, MLSE - Scarborough Health Network Foundation & Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment

Emily Hillstrom

Founder & Managing Editor - Vancouver Tech Journal

William Johnson

Communications Manager - Confederation Centre of the Arts

Emily McMahon

Senior Manager, Social Media & Graphic Design - Uninterrupted Canada

Kishan Mistry


Zoe Share

Director, Editorial & Social Media - Venturepark

Samantha Speisman

Olympic Gold Medalist Womens Hockey, Brand Ambassador

Natalie Spooner

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