Would one day a week in the office really be that bad?

There’s lots to love about remote work—it saves time, money and the stress of choosing what to wear every morning. But a survey found the key to an even happier work-from-home life could be getting into the office once in a while, too. 

Driving the news: Remote workers reported higher job satisfaction than their in-office counterparts, but there’s one area they struggle with—connection with team members. 

  • While remote workers have been found to be more productive and less stressed in their jobs, the isolation and lack of social engagement that comes with working alone all the time can lead to burnout.

  • Hybrid work models that offer flexibility and clear expectations around in-office attendance led to the highest levels of mental health. 87% of hybrid workers ranked their mental health as “good” or “excellent.”

  • In comparison, only 63% of fully remote workers feel that way about their mental health.

Yes, but: The study found that working one day a week provides employees the opportunity to make connections with co-workers without driving down their job satisfaction, though it didn’t solve the problem entirely.

  • People required to work three or more days in office saw their satisfaction and performance plummet.

  • And forcing people to RTO full-time might not even be an option—80% of Canadians said they would quit their jobs if they were forced to work in person daily. 

Why it matters: Roughly half of Canadian companies are planning to continue a remote work arrangement, but taking a job that doesn’t have any socializing with your colleagues might not be the best arrangement after all.