
The up-and-coming young leaders shaping Canada's economy, culture, and society in 2024.
Leaders Circle
Co-Founder & COO, Caribou

Christian Alaimo

Senior Product Manager, Maple

Lee Wigmore

Vice President, Clinical Implementations, Verto Health

Kristy Munroe

COO, Petlio Inc.

Oliver Dempsey

Manager of Clinical and Recovery Services, Stella's Place

Meagan Minott

Co-Founder and Chief of People & Care, Brood Care Inc.

Emma Devin

Co-Founder & CEO, Sprout Family

Jackie Hanson

Addictions Medicine Physician, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto

Stephanie Zhou

Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Fellow, The Ottawa Hospital

Jennifer McCall

Associate Professor, University of Montréal

Guillaume Dumas

Senior Consultant, Healthcare, KPMG

Anya Pogharian

Co-Founder & CEO, Caribou

Alex Oosterveen

Chief Strategy Officer, WeRPN

Tiff Blair

Founder & CEO, ImaginAble Solutions

Lianna Genovese

Chief Executive Officer, Loon

Ghayath Janoudi

CEO, Dr. Bill (RBCx)

Sarah Wilkinson

National Environment & Sustainability Manager, LifeLabs

Stephen Vanderhorst

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta

Nevicia Case

Chief Executive Officer, Veterans Transition Network

Oliver Thorne

Co-Founder and Chief Clinical Officer, Brainbot

Shelley Vaisberg

Product Manager, EON Health

Yusuf Sheikh

Director, Advocacy, Canadian Cancer Society

Helena Sonea

Global Managing Partner, Strategic Advisory for Leading Therapeutics Innovation Inc.

Sherif Salti

Healthcare Chairs

CEO, Switch Health

Marc Thomson

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