Job seekers, beware of text spams

If you're getting texts offering you a job, chances are it's a scam. But how do these scams actually work? One Toronto Star reporter was offered a job via text to do simple stuff like rating albums, and was told she'd get paid in cryptocurrency for each task. Sounds cool, right? But here's the twist: She had to chip in some of her own money to do these tasks (which the scammers say is a necessity to complete the tasks but promise all of it will be returned). During the training, the scammer fronted the cash, but the cash wasn’t enough. The reporter couldn't do any more tasks unless she coughed up more money. Once the money is deposited, the scammers collect it, leaving the victim with nothing. In the first three months of this year, these fake job texts have cost people over $11 million, according to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. Beware of jobs via text or email that ask you to "boost" things — these are often fake reviews for bogus products. Also, avoid clicking on links from unverified emails or texts, and don’t pay upfront to be able to work.