How to set up a side hustle without burning out

Side hustles are a fantastic way to boost your income, but how can you make sure you don’t burn out? In Canada, a whopping nine million people are part of the gig economy, taking on jobs like dog sitting, running an Etsy shop, and driving for Uber. With nearly nine out of 10 folks feeling the pinch of a single income, side gigs are becoming the norm. The trick is finding a balance that doesn't compromise your main job or your well-being. First, allocate a set amount of time in your day to dedicate to your full-time job, side hustle, and personal time — then stick to it. To figure out how many hours you can put towards your side hustle, calculate how much time you need outside of your full-time job for chores, socializing, downtime, exercise, and sleep. Then, dedicate the hours you have left to your side hustle. To keep track of your work, use a time management app (like Trello or Evernote) to schedule your day, including breaks. While it might seem like a lot to plan your whole day, maintaining a detailed calendar will keep you accountable to your work, and to yourself.