Are clear aligners as effective as metal braces?

If you’re looking to straighten your smile, you’ve got a couple of options. You could go the traditional route with metal braces or opt for removable clear aligners. So how do they compare in terms of cost, convenience and results? 

The original brand of clear aligners, Invisalign, has become a popular option for those looking to fix mild or moderate overcrowding or close gaps in their teeth. 

  • They are removable, less noticeable and can provide faster results than braces. 

Yes, but: Aligners have their downside—you have to remove them whenever you eat and need to wear them 20 to 22 hours a day for best results.

The cost: Invisalign costs range from $2,000 to $8,000, but competitors like Smile Direct Club do everything via mail, so you’ll pay substantially less since you don’t visit an orthodontist for treatment. 

  • Standard braces fall in the same range, between $3,000 to $7,000. But there is an invisible option called lingual braces that go on the inside of your teeth, though the price increases from $8,000 to $10,000.

  • If you’ve got dental insurance, some of the cost for aligners and braces might be covered. 

Is it worth it? If you live by the motto, “time is money,” and don’t want to book monthly dental appointments, the simplicity of a series of retainers could work well for you. But if you’re looking to really overhaul your smile, you should consult an orthodontist about the best treatment for you—the money you pay for a professional is worth it.