Keep appliances running with regular maintenance

I am a fanatic about dryer lint. I empty the filter after every cycle and use a tiny vacuum extension to suck out any excess that may have escaped the confines of the trap. So you can imagine my absolute horror when I learned that washing machines have one too—and it needs to be cleaned once a month!?

Here’s how to keep your washing machine spinning:

  • Locate the trap door and open it. Inside you will find a drain hose and filter (only front-loading washing machines have this feature.)

  • Lay a towel down and grab a small container, then uncap the drain hose and let any excess water flow into the container. The Laundry-Tok expert suggests using a small brush to clear any debris from the drain hose. 

  • Next, unscrew the filter and scrub thoroughly with a brush. If you have a habit of leaving stuff in your pockets, you’ll find it in there. I found $3 worth of change, a thumbtack and a hair tie.

  • Make sure to clear out any gunk accumulated in the filter fitting before putting the filter back in.

This maintenance only takes a few minutes, especially if you stay on top of it. If your clothes aren’t smelling as fresh as you’d like or there’s a smell from your machine, you might be overdue. But regular appliance maintenance is vital to keeping them running for as long (and as efficiently) as possible.