All Is It Worth It stories

Are omega-3 eggs worth the premium price?

Keeping up with your nutritional needs can be a challenge when food prices are high, so is it smart to pay for “enriched” foods like omega-3 eggs or is it all just a marketing scheme? 

Should you replace your furnace with a heat pump?

Do cold showers have the same health benefits as ice baths?

If you’re into wellness, you’ve most likely heard about the benefits of cold water immersion, a.k.a. ice baths. Exposing your body to cold temps is touted as an easy way to improve your health as it offers a wide range of physical and mental benefits and can promote faster recovery times. 

Are clear aligners as effective as metal braces?

If you’re looking to straighten your smile, you’ve got a couple of options. You could go the traditional route with metal braces or opt for removable clear aligners. So how do they compare in terms of cost, convenience and results? 

Meal delivery kits can save time, but do they save money?

Finding time to shop, prep and cook is challenging for even the most organized home cooks. Meal delivery kits can help make the most of those precious after-work evenings. But how do they compare in terms of cost?