All Economy stories

The BoC opens up

The Bank of Canada (BoC) is trying to open up. But unlike your typical therapy session, it’s the Canadian public with the trust issues. 

The Swiss push back on cashless

Unlike its distant Norwegian neighbours, the Swiss aren’t yet sold on the “cashless” thing.

A bit of Foxconnfidence

The world’s biggest electronics maker says it has recovered from COVID.

Raising inflation chickens

Grocery bills are set to get even higher as grocers begin to process a backlog of requests from suppliers to increase prices. With food bills showing no sign of slowing, more people might be inclined to say “cluck it” and start their own farm at home.

The US hikes rates

Stop us if you’ve heard this before: A central bank chair walks into a conference hall and delivers an interest rate hike…

Investment banks aren’t lopping off heads quite yet

Canadian dealmaking fell ~40% in 2022 and is currently down ~50% from the same last year. Despite this, workers at the country’s top investment banks can sleep easy knowing their jobs are not in imminent danger.

The disappearance of remote jobs

Work From Home is definitely here to stay, but unfortunately, not for everyone.

Pricey groceries

$37 chicken, $14 yogurts, and $8 cabbage? Apparently, we haven’t seen the worst of it, as groceries are set to become even more expensive in the coming months.

Good vibes in the global economy

We don’t want to jinx it, but the global economy may be starting to shake off the winter blues.

Debt ceiling drama

Folks, it’s time to talk about the US debt ceiling. We can already sense your eyelids drooping, but—stick with us here—this is important stuff.