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Propagate your own plants to use as gifts

Does your house look like the setting of Fern Gully? Why not use your collection of greenery to create a supply of never-ending housewarming, thank-you and just-because gifts for friends and family by propagating your own houseplants.

Buy the bigger pack so it’s not considered a snack

We all know shrinkflation is causing us to pay more for less, but here’s a helpful hack for the snack aisle—you might not pay tax on the bigger size.

Put your yard to use with foodscaping

Unless you’ve got prize-winning hydrangeas, this spring might be a good time to transform your landscaping from beautiful to useful by transforming your garden beds into mini-farms.

A promo code hack worth a shot

Every savvy online shopper knows you never hit checkout until you’ve tried every promo code you could get your hands on—but here are a few you may not know about from the mouth of a tech worker who knows that some promo codes never expire.

How to increase your roll up the rim odds

I’m not a “winner.” The last contest I won was the Pepsi Taste Challenge when I was seven and that’s because the teenager running the stand felt bad for me and gave me a second chance. But my (and your) luck might be about to turn around with this clever Tim Horton’s hack.

Money and time saving moving hacks

We’ve all been there. A friend asks what your plans are for the weekend, and when you say “nothing,” they casually hint that they need a hand moving. But when you show up early Saturday morning, nothing is packed. Don’t be that friend. Make moving a breeze with these easy relocating hacks. 

How to turn old magazines into beautiful decorative bowls

But I won't pay retail for a decorative bowl ever again after finding this DYI hack—all you need is a stack of magazines, some tape or glue, a bottle of Modge Podge (you can make your own) and some spare time. 

Get a head start on your garden with winter sowing

Since spring will be delayed (thanks, unreliable groundhog forecasters), the ground might take a bit longer to thaw, meaning green-thumbed gardeners could have a shorter growing season this year. 

How to make your spring cleaning more profitable

With winter winding down, spring cleaning is around the corner, and this year, focusing on decluttering could free up space in your home and put some extra cash in your pocket by “P-U-R-G-E-ing.”

How to save on currency exchange fees while investing

Are you looking to invest in American stocks, but the currency conversion fees have you dragging your feet? This nifty little hack called Norbert's Gambit can help you cut those costs.